The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Land Use Summit: Prioritising land use in the midst of a climate and nature crisis

Land Use Summit: Prioritising land use in the midst of a climate and nature crisis

Catastrophic declines in biodiversity and rapid changes in climatic conditions are threatening food security, and expected to trigger mass movements in human populations, potentially impacting housing availability. Similarly, international tensions and conflicts are impacting economies around the world, leading in many situations to a cost-of-living crisis that has been particularly felt by the most vulnerable communities.

Addressing these issues separately could lead to advocacy for diametrically different visions, hindering efforts towards securing a liveable, affordable, and biodiverse future for all. To avoid this, wider and more collaborative discourse is needed on how much land need be set aside for food production, energy production, housing and infrastructure, and nature.

This Land Use Summit organised by Zooilogical Society of London, in collaboration with the British Ecological Society, will aim to provide a platform for discussing the opportunities and challenges associated with biodiversity recovery in times of rapid global environmental changes. It will focus on identifying strategic land use prioritisation for delivering mandated conservation outcomes within the UK, looking at England in particular as a case study. We will discuss land use prioritisation in light of other competing demands, while also accounting for interdependencies between the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.

Time: 9:15 BST

New to Foraging? Start Here! 5 Plants for Absolute Beginners

New to Foraging? Start Here! 5 Plants for Absolute Beginners

Amsonias: dependable, beautiful bluestars, with Mt. Cuba’s Sam Hoadley

Amsonias: dependable, beautiful bluestars, with Mt. Cuba’s Sam Hoadley